About Us
Welcome to PS Ministries
Where the essence of Ephesians 4:12 (KJV) comes to life:
“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”
PS Ministries is a vibrant community of believers united for the Glory of God and the growth of His Church. Our mission is to transcend denominational boundaries and traditional church settings to create a dynamic space for support, healing, and strategic collaboration among Christian leaders and believers.
At PS Ministries, we bring together leaders from across the globe, not confined by the four walls of a church or the pulpit. Instead, we focus on building one another up, sharing wisdom, and working together to strengthen the body of Christ. Our gatherings and initiatives are designed to foster unity and mutual encouragement, emphasizing the importance of collective growth and spiritual enrichment.
We are committed to nurturing and perfecting the saints, equipping them for effective ministry and deepening their relationship with God. Our approach is inclusive and collaborative, recognizing that every leader has valuable insights and experiences to contribute.
As part of this growing community, we welcome you to join the PS Ministries network to connect, collaborate, and grow with other passionate leaders in Christ. Together, we can make a powerful impact in advancing God’s Kingdom through mutual support, encouragement, and the shared wisdom that comes from walking in faith.
To join, simply reach out to us, and let’s work together for the Glory of God and the advancement of His work in the world.
PS Ministries’ mission is to offer encouragement, exhortation, and edification through authentic discussions, training, and strategic guidance.
By fostering a supportive community free from denominational boundaries, we will work to strengthen the body of Christ and advance His Kingdom through collaborative and transformative ministry.
We are dedicated to empowering and supporting church leaders, including pastors, bishops, apostles, evangelists, teachers, chaplains, and elders, by providing a nurturing and dynamic environment for growth.
PS Ministries’ vision is to see a unified body of Christ, where leaders from diverse backgrounds come together to build vibrant, effective ministries and effect positive change in their communities and beyond. We aspire to create a global network of empowered leaders who are guided by God’s Word and led by the Holy Spirit with excellence, integrity, and compassion.
We, the saints of PS Ministries, affirm the following core beliefs:
We Believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God, written by holy men moved by the Holy Spirit and serves as the authoritative rule of faith and conduct.
We believe in one true God, Jehovah, the great “I AM,” revealed in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, the Son, is the Word made manifest to flesh, the only begotten One, and the Spirit of Jesus has existed with the Father since the beginning. The Holy Spirit emanates from the Father and the Son.
We Believe Jesus was born of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit. Fully God and fully man, He was baptized in the Holy Spirit, crucified, died, rose, and ascended into Heaven, securing redemption for humanity through His sinless life, His death, and His resurrection. Jesus is both Lord and Christ, exalted at the right hand of God the Father. He was manifested to break the works of the devil and gave His life and shed His Blood to redeem and restore mankind back to God.
We Believe that man’s only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Through faith in Him, repentance, and God’s grace, eternal life is granted.
We Believe that without holiness, righteousness, and being born again, no one can see the Lord.
We Believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire, a gift promised by Jesus to all believers, empowering them to speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit gives utterance.
We Believe God is a covenant-making and covenant-keeping God, and through Jesus Christ, we enter into His covenant, receiving His promises and committing to love one another, placing Him above all else. We are one with Him, as members of the body of Christ.
A Little About Us
PS Ministries is composed of devoted Christians with a diverse background who lead
both within and beyond the church walls. Their commitment to Our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ, is reflected in their deep understanding of service, embodying what it truly
means to serve with purpose and dedication. These leaders exemplify selflessness and
a genuine desire to fulfill God’s calling, demonstrating how service to others is central to
their faith and mission.

Prophet | Teacher
Minister Gwen McIntyre’s journey with God began at the age of 9 when she first encountered Jesus and felt His presence in her life.
Early on, she felt the call to prayer, and God taught her how to pray, intercede, and be still before Him. As a child, she would dress and walk to an open field near her home to have intimate conversations with the Lord, laying the foundation for a lifelong relationship with Him. Her faith, anchored in God's guidance, has been a constant source of encouragement, and she has walked with the Lord ever since, always feeling His presence and voice leading her.
Gwen attended Parkland College in Champaign, Illinois, where she earned a Broadcasters License. Her passion for broadcast production blossomed, and she quickly excelled in the field, working her way up to Director at a cable company. Additionally, she worked part-time at NBC and CBS affiliates, gaining experience as a stage manager and contributing to lighting, special effects, audio for plays and commercials, as well as intro and outro music for various recordings. This creative experience sparked her artistic talents, which she attributes to the gifts God has bestowed upon her.
Called by God to the prophetic, Gwen initially focused on intercession, growing in her ability to pray powerfully. She embraced the role of a prophet after completing prophetic classes to refine her gift. Although she initially referred to herself as the "reluctant prophet," she soon recognized the importance of delivering God's messages and has fully embraced her prophetic calling. Gwen now walks confidently in the gift of prophecy, understanding the powerful impact it has in bringing others closer to God's heart.
Minister Gwen has also traveled on a missionary trip to Uganda, further expanding her ministry and impact.

Servant | Leader | Visionary
Jacqueline Y. McCollum is a licensed and ordained Pastor and Chaplain, wholeheartedly committed to serving as a vessel and messenger for Christ.
Since answering her call to ministry in April 2021, she has been actively engaged in preaching, teaching, prophecy, and deliverance ministry. Her dedication to equipping others led to the development of the highly acclaimed ARREST™ training program, designed to prepare Chaplain candidates for the unique challenges of chaplaincy with excellence and compassion.
Her professional journey spans multiple industries, including legal, automotive, insurance, consulting, and information technology, with distinguished roles at State Farm Insurance Company, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors. This diverse background reflects her adaptability, leadership, and commitment to lifelong learning.
As a certified entrepreneur, Jacqueline has founded four businesses, including Jenesis2, an online Christian t-shirt company launched in September 2023. She also leads PS Ministries and is a certified DCSP trainer and instructor at her local community college, where she thrives as a transformational leader—shaping minds, businesses, and the future in an ever-evolving landscape.
Jacqueline’s academic achievements include degrees in Paralegal Studies, Business Management & Organizational Development, and an MBA with an emphasis on Values-Driven Organization. She further holds a Graduate Certification in Enterprise Resource Planning and a Materials Management Certification from SAP Co.
Her leadership extends beyond business and ministry, serving as an executive member of the Watchmen Charismatic Network in Ghana, Africa, and an Intercessor in the USA.
A visionary rooted in faith, Jacqueline is deeply passionate about helping others discover and cultivate their God-given gifts and talents, living out her guiding principle:
“Always Lift as I Climb.”
Above all, she cherishes her role as a devoted mother and a loving caretaker for her mother, Julia. She concludes each broadcast with a heartfelt affirmation for her followers:
“P.S. God Loves You, and So Do I.”

Pastor | Teacher | Counselor
For 47 years, Pastor Jimmy Shaw has faithfully walked with the Lord, dedicating his life to ministry and community service.
His journey began in the late 1970s as a youth worker in Belfast, engaging with young people from diverse backgrounds and fostering unity amid division. His passion for outreach deepened at a Christian outdoor center, where he continued to bridge gaps through faith-based engagement.
In the early 1980s, Jimmy attended Bible College, gaining valuable insight and theological grounding. After moving to southern England in 1984, he pursued formal youth-work qualifications, continually expanding his skills to better serve those in need. His professional journey includes several years as a residential social worker in a large children’s home, where he developed a profound understanding of family dynamics and personal struggles.
In 1993, Jimmy relocated to North Wales, dedicating himself to youth clubs and supporting adults with learning difficulties. His innovative approach to outreach extended to Chester, where he helped establish a detached youth work team, integrating faith into community initiatives in creative and impactful ways.
In recent years, Pastor Jimmy has embraced a new calling as a Pastor/Teacher, a path that allows him to channel his vast experience into ministry. Despite personal challenges with dyslexia, ASD, and ADHD, he views these as strengths—offering fresh perspectives and deepening his reliance on the Holy Spirit.
His extensive experience in youth work, social services, and community engagement has equipped him with a well-rounded skill set for ministry, allowing him to effectively meet both practical and spiritual needs. His journey is one of continual exploration, seeking deeper revelations of Yahweh and Yeshua through scripture.
With a heart for discipleship and community, Pastor Jimmy is committed to guiding others on their spiritual journeys, fostering an environment where faith is lived out, nurtured, and strengthened. His mission remains clear: to honor God’s call and make a lasting impact on those he has the privilege to serve.

Pastor | Teacher
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6
Executive Board Members

Eric Nartey is the President of the Watchmen Charismatic Network, leading with a fervent commitment to advancing the Kingdom of God.
As an apostolic aide for the Ecumenical Assemblies of Global Leaders Emerging (E.A.G.L.E) based in Michigan, Eric's influence spans the globe. Renowned for his spontaneity and exceptional people skills, he travels extensively, preaching the gospel and transforming lives.
His dedication to saving the lost and strengthening the Church on sound doctrines fuels his passion for global ministry. Anointed to shape future leaders and fortify the Church, Eric's global outreach has ignited a fervor for the Kingdom, impacting countless lives. Through strategic partnerships with ministries, organizations, and leaders, he extends the influence of the Kingdom across borders.
Eric earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from Dominion University College and furthered his studies with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He is also the co-founder of the Leaders to Leader mentorship platform, dedicated to cultivating the next generation of remarkable leaders. His work exemplifies a profound dedication to service, leadership, and the advancement of the Christian faith worldwide.